Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Well, let's see......Ryan graduated from college....YAY! Boo for UT though! LOL....Not really, just really proud of him! Wish we coulda been there.....*sigh*......Next up is Christmas....hahahahaha....believe it or not people, I can't stand the Christmas holidays. All the presents, the gift wrapping, the decorating makes me wanna pull my hair out......UGH!!!!! In any case, it's simple here at home. Sorry that I feel like Scrooge, but why lie, right? After that, that girl Crazy Cheli will be getting married......WHOA! And apparently, she has a package in store for us....like Daniel.....hahahahaha..........So, brace yourselves family! We'll be visiting home in March.....sorry it can't be sooner but that will be the soonest I can handle........

Much love,

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Reyes Family Blog

Well, I'm going to start this one now.....We have too much fun sending each other emails and it would be sooooo much easier to just post our messages to each other on a blog.....So, join the bandwagon and giddy up! Start posting your messages here and we can communicate so much faster.....

Love you all,